San Marcos
de Tarrazú
The community consists of many small farms around San Marcos de Tarrazú de Costa Rica. On October 13, 1960, 228 coffee farmers came together to form a community! Now they have over 60 years of experience and work exclusively according to the basic principles such as honor and sustainability. Today, almost 5000 coffee farmers live and work together in a great supportive way.
The idea: Coopetarrazú!
Coopetarrazú maintains strict quality controls, works with traceability from the planting of the seedlings to the export of the raw bean! The quality standards are regularly reviewed each farmer receives full support from the community.
The cooperative has its own highly qualified staff and a quality control laboratory that follows a strict protocol. We have visited the site several times and are totally amazed by the harmony & dynamism of this community.
The coffee of the Tarrazú region is one of the most famous in Costa Rica and the world, accounting for 40% of the national production. This production is located between 1,200 and 1,900 meters above sea level with ideal climate and soil conditions for cultivation. Most plantations are in the shade, with trees in the surrounding area.
Coffee is exported mainly to markets in the United States, Europe and Asia, where the La Pastora, Tarrazú brand is known for its high acidity, medium body, extra hard beans and very good aroma.
An outstanding farmer in Tarrazú is Don Ricardo. He is our local partner for the microlots.
We suport local projects in Tarrazu :)
Silvia takes care of all biological and organic concerns of the community. She has a degree in agriculture and is responsible for organic fertilizer, sustainable cultivation and proper wastewater management
Our future
We believe in and support the personal and professional growth of our employees. That is why we have trainings and training plans to continuously improve the daily work in our cooperative. Of course, we also take care of the little ones!
Our vision
Workshops and courses on specific and special topics are held for the staff of the various areas. The well-being of our families is especially close to our hearts! We have built our own kindergarten for all our little ones with much love.
Our goal
We want to attract the best talents to achieve together more competitiveness, quality and added value to our products and services. We constantly develop our employees to make them and our cooperative even more sustainable and modern in terms of organic farming.
Our partner Ricardo introduces itself:
A very proud coffee farmer on his 2 hectare finca in Tarrazú in Costa Rica!
Seine Frau, seine Kinder und natürlich auch die Familienhunde sind bei der Finca immer mit dabei.
Die Früchte sind im Dezember bereits reif für die erste Ernte. Ricardo hat bis Ende Februar volle Freude beim Ernten seiner Früchte und bietet Honey, Washed und Natural.
Ein Blick über das Herz von Tarrazu.
Das Trocknen in der Sonne Costa Ricas gut den Bohnen besonders gut! Ein herrlich aromatischer, sonnengereifter Geschmack ist die Folge!
Mit Don Ricardo in seiner Finca unterwegs. Peter und Ricardo strahlen um die Wette.
Marcela und Marion in Ihrem Element. Die Kirschen werden fachmännisch in Augenschein genommen.
Arnoldo und Ricardo kümmern sich um die Setzlinge.
Tarrazu ist mehr als Bekannt für seine Frucht! Wir freuen uns schon auf den nächsten besuch vor Ort.