Our great unique coffee expert team :)

Peter: Costa Rica expert and guide

PETER: The born coffee lover and Costa Rica connoisseur! Almost 30 years ago, Peter settled in the best coffee growing area in Costa Rica. He knows every farmer personally and thus guarantees that our highest standards are met on site. His commitment is boundless.

Marion & Marcela woman power

The very special women with the very special flair. Marion is our fairy godmother in the office in Austria and Marcela takes care of all our wishes in Central and South America. The two ladies bring a very special touch to our young team. We are very proud of our two strong women.

Arnoldo Leiva Lachner - best scout

Probably the best scout you could wish for as a partner. For almost 30 years Arnoldo feels at home on almost all Fincas in Central and South America. It is a real pleasure to travel with him to his friends and to get to know the probably best coffee farmers of this world. World class!

Our great farmers and their families 

Whether Tarrazu, Narranjo or Huila and Cauca, the most important pieces in the big puzzle are the farmers. It is thanks to their hard work and dedication that we are able to offer such a great product. But we also look very closely at sustainability and social-ecological working conditions.

Peter & his lovely family in Costa Rica :)

The very special private story

Already at the age of 25 Peter was drawn to Costa Rica. A surfing vacation became a joy of life. Out of love for the country and its people at the high plateau of Lake Arenal in Costa Rica, Peter and friends bought a coffee plantation with almost 5000 bushes! The love for nature and especially the special climate are still the reason why Peter can't let go of Costa Rica. Every year the suitcases are packed and the journey to the second home begins. Peter spends the summer in Vienna and works as a certified guide for foreigners. His successes are impressive and his excellent ratings on various travel platforms have already earned him the coveted "Hall of Fames" label on Tripadvisor. After the exhausting summer months in Austria, he moved back to Costa Rica.
Meanwhile, his wonderful family also accompanies him again and again when traveling through this beautiful country. Drinking coffee has always been a passion and the search for the very special aroma, led Peter to many different areas and also to very special people. So life took its course and who would have thought that after almost 30 years of travel and coffee experience, he would meet Benjamin at a wedding? And it is precisely he, as a TOP barista, who is on the lookout for the optimal bean for the perfect coffee taste. In the process, he has turned his attention to Costa Rica. Well, and now the two individualists met at this wedding and the bride and groom, the parents of little ELLA gave their wedding vows.  Both were witnesses. And by talking one comes together, they say. Talks turned into an idea and the idea turned into a company! The company was born and a name was quickly found: E L L A - Export la luja Arabica stands for the highest crop quality in Costa Rica and is for us a reminder of a wonderful day.
More about Peter!

Peter's second home - Costa Rica 

Costa Rica's climate has two seasons: one with moderate rainfall during the growth and development of the cherry, and one with reduced rainfall - the dry season that coincides with the harvest.
Altitude, soil characteristics, rainfall and different temperatures are all factors that contribute to obtaining a coffee with different organoleptic characteristics, but always with excellent quality.
The 8 production regions are divided into lowlands below 1,000 meters altitude, where the coffee is lighter, and highlands above 1,200 meters with volcanic origins, where coffee with higher acidity and stronger aroma is produced. More than 80% of Costa Rican coffee is grown here.
Costa Rica maintains a special and strict control over their farms throughout the year. During the harvest, the cherries are still collected manually and selectively, choosing only those cherries that are at the optimal stage of ripeness to obtain a beverage with organoleptic characteristics of the highest quality. The harvest time varies in the 8 producing regions, depending on the climate and flowering time of the coffee trees.
The sustainable model of Café de Costa Rica:
Since 1933, every coffee transaction and shipment in Costa Rica has been routed through the Costa Rican Coffee Institute (ICAFE), which registers them based on the real base price of the international coffee market. This is called the liquidation payment system. As a result, coffee producers receive about 80% of the price for each 69-kg bag sold.
Research, development and technology transfer:
Since 1997 in Costa Rica, the Center for Investigation in Coffee CICAFE, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, has developed extensive research and development work around coffee cultivation and milling.
Coffee cultivation and grinding in harmony with nature:
Every coffee grinder in Costa Rica must comply with 7 laws and 4 Nations Decrees dealing with environmental protection, hydrocarbon production and wildlife conservation. These laws protect the water, the forest and the biodiversity.

Say good morning with great coffee

My Goal

Bringing together the best of two worlds to create a unique experience. The sun of Costa Rica with the charm of the Viennese café house.

My Motivation

Making this world a little better. With great interest I follow the positive approaches of café farmers around the world to promote sustainability. I'm happy to be a part of that :)

My Story

Making this world a little better. With great interest I follow the positive approaches of café farmers around the world to promote sustainability. I'm happy to be a part of that :)


And this is ELLA.She is the reason for founding our company.  Benjamin and Peter met as groomsmen at their parents' wedding. That changed a lot........